
Our Story

A vision trip is an eye-opening experience that allows a church to see first hand what’s involved in a long term mission. For ACC this was a great first step that came after many hours of praying and months of research.

Four members of the church travelled over 5,000 miles to the Nebaj region of Guatemala to a small town called Villa Hortencia II. The trip in itself was not as rough as Kevin, Ray, Bill and Mariela may have thought it could be. But there were times were muddy roads and too many refried bean pushed them out their comfort zone. However, the willingness to follow God’s plan prevailed.

They visited about a dozen different communities in the Quiche region. They were all within a two-hour drive from the main town, Nebaj. On the fourth day of the trip they arrived at Villa Hortencia II. It is a village in a valley with richness in nature beauty that’s hard to explain. The village has around 200 children and the major source of income is farming. The road is narrow, twisted and muddy. There are no cars in the village. There is one school, a small ambulatory clinic and a handful of churches.

However, the leaders of the community were well prepared to host the team. They brought out their best chairs, biggest table and a sample of their best fruits and produce. They were enthusiastic when presenting their hopes. They did not ask for a hand-out but rather for a hand-up to materialize the projects they believe will make their village sustainable.

Children smiled despite their circumstances. They played like any other children, though only when home duties allowed them to do so. We saw many school-aged girls carrying their younger siblings in their backs while pasturing some goats. Some boys carried big loads of firewood on their backs and we saw them walk for miles delivering the wood to their house. Loads of laundry hung from the verandas of their homes and in every house a garden of dry, hard looking corn picked through the fence. 

But this is the village the team felt lead to partner with. People in the village showed a confidence in God’s Love that encouraged the team to suggest to the congregation that this was the right fit. Perhaps the similarities also helped. They are a farming community in a valley just as we in Sussex are a farming community in a beautiful valley. These are God’s people trying to provide the best for their families just as we are trying to do here at ACC.

This is how the partnership got started. The team made it official in the spring of 2009 when ACC signed their commitment with FH Canada to support the village and to develop a long-term relationship that will bring changes to both communities, Villa Hortencia II and ACC. We know the BEST is yet to come and we are EXCITED.

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